Wall-E: Sound Design (I) Introduction

As part of a University module I will be doing a sound design exercise – syncing audio to video. I was provided with two options to choose from, scenes from “Wall-E” & “No Country for Old Men”.

I have chosen the provided clip of Disney & Pixar’s Wall-E. I have seen this film before and am familiar with it, which will undoubtably affect some of the aesthetic choices I will make. However, I will not be referencing any materials on how the sound design for Wall-E was done, so that I will have a fresher approach to doing my own.

My principal aim for this project is to communicate Wall-E’s character – his optimism, isolation and friendly nature.

In order to give Wall-E some extra personality, sound design for his voice will be largely based on my own one,  with editing and heavy processing. My process will be partly inspired by the way Ben Burt created R2-D2’s voice for the original Star Wars, where he recorded himself doing baby talk (Star Wars, 2014) .

Aside from the diegetic sounds of Wall-E’s activities and any music, the soundscape will be quite sparse to reflect how alone he is. It will largely consist of gentle wind and dust sounds, with far off creaks of the piles of scrap.

This will just be the first entry in a series I will be updating as the project comes together. The next post will feature a full asset list, describing all the sounds I’ll need to find or create.

Planning Document

To be continued…

Star Wars (2014) Ben Burtt interview: R2-D2. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUwnFYBPMlU (Accessed: 14 March 2016).

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